Remote Work Tips from IT

Faculty and staff who work remotely should consider the following:

  • Required:
  • Ensure your laptop is encryptedlearn more about encrypting your laptop.
  • Security training—IT recommends that everyone who works remotely, even occasionally, review this training module.
  • Security policies—familiarize yourself with these Security policies:
    • Fair, Responsible, and Acceptable Computer Use
    • Employee Code of Responsibility for Security and Confidentiality of Information
    • Security Standards
  • Other Helpful Tips:
  • Computer and Other Equipment—Butler University will provide employees working remotely with equipment that is essential to their job duties such as laptops, headsets, and cell phones (when applicable). VPN and company-required software will be installed on the device. Butler University will not provide secondary equipment (e.g., printers and monitors).
  • Ergonomics—consider making ergonomic adjustments to your work from home setup to avoid discomfort/injury.
  • Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connectivity—ensure you have a high-speed internet connection at home, such as cable, DSL or fiber. Contact your local internet service provider for more information about services, pricing and installation. Alternatively, you may want to look into using your mobile phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot. Many providers such as Verizon also sell a device called a Jetpack that uses cellular connectivity to create a Wi-Fi connection for your mobile devices. Be sure to verify your data availability prior to using these options, as going over your allotment can be expensive. View more information on internet options.
  • VPN Connection—There are some services that require a VPN to access. In these cases you must use Global Protect VPN. This is Butler’s VPN, but it is only useful to access services that sit on Butler’s campus. It is not helpful if you are accessing services that are in the cloud like other VPNs on the market. For a list of the Butler applications that require the VPN please see this article: Applications that require VPN (GlobalProtect) or BUanywhere to access off campus. For more information regarding Butler’s VPN please see this article: What is Butler VPN and when should it be used?
  • Security—If you are using your personal computer to connect to Butler resources, be sure to take appropriate basic security measures. Install updates for your operating system. Enable your firewall. Use an updated antivirus tool.
  • Butler Phone Extension Forwarding—users can make and receive Butler phone calls from off campus using RingCentral, Butler’s cloud-based phone system.
  • Web Applications—many Butler applications are available via a web browser:
  • File Storage—Butler provides multiple file storage options.
  • Video Conferencing—Use Microsoft Teams or Zoom to meet remotely (audio/video teleconference) with one or more people. Teams and Zoom provide collaboration tools either via the web or through a standalone application on your computer or mobile phone.
  • Chat—Employees are able to chat with anyone at Butler using Microsoft Teams.
  • Technology Assistance—learn how to contact the IT Help Desk.

For more information on any of the above topics, go to and search; if you don’t find what you need, submit a case for Information Technology.